Last Days of School

How many days of my life have been wasted redoing something I thought was on autopilot?

Oh, how I can’t wait for school to be completed. It’s agonizing. We’re getting ready to go to our favorite place in the world, otherwise known as my final resting place…Daufuskie Island. To say I love this place is an understatement. It is truly on Daufuskie Island that I breathe the kind of breaths that my yoga goddess tries to describe, but during class leads to hyperventalition. Not on Daufuskie…

The boys are so ready to be done. The after school sporting events even bore them. Today is our last tennis lesson, and if I were a betting person, I would bet that John volunteers to take them so that I can complete the task he has assigned me today….

I’m frantically trying to get brochures printed out for John, and the printer isn’t cooperating. Hour six into trying to get it to work, I have manipulated the printer queue to print out a page at a time, twelve pages, twenty copies…oh yeah, my life… outside of taking care of everyone else is such a waste of time. My accomplishment today: the printer is printing out a page at a time, taking about 2 minutes per page…useless. I did have visions of taking a walk, or playing princess with Mignonne, but instead my husband scooted me back into the office to figure out the printer, and I listen while he has a tea party with little miss M. and I count the number of times the printer clips away at the page and then rise when it’s time to start a new page.

How many days of my life in a year has been wasted redoing something that I already thought was on autopilot. Last week, our website mysteriously went down, and the week before that our email was shut down after spammers took over our email address and started sending out emails relating to penis enlargements and erectile disfunction. The wireless function on John’s laptop stopped working, thus making it a useless tool of computer crap. Then, the blog that my husband wanted to set up related to topics within his line of work was locked, and our top performing website was no longer listed on the search engines, because of the fact that it “mysteriously” went off line. I’m stumped, but also so frustrated that it’s all coming at the same time.

So it should come as no surprise that I’m totally ready for the summer and a change of pace.

So we’re off to Daufuskie, only three more days. No car seats, no traffic, no after school sporting activities, and I’m taking a break from the functions of a printer…oh, and John is doing the tennis thing. Only 100 more copies to print…

Is Wishing Death a Sin?

Is Wishing someone die a miserable death a sin?  Probably.

I’m afraid to ask, because I certainly don’t want Father Baptist to think negatively of me, not that he even really has a judgement one way or the other.  But, I wonder if wishing someone would suffer a really miserable death is a sin.  At this moment I can think of nothing better for Justin Happer to deserve.  He’s made my sainted husband curse, and at this point in my fiery stick up for yourself defender of all that I love life, I sit and plot his demise.  Even the sound of his voice irritates me and I can not believe that God would allow this louse of a creature to continue on in this world, let alone be an owner of a company Saint John would help.

I send all of my negative energy towards Baton Rouge and hope that he breathes it all in.  Nice and deep.  I feel helpless and motivated to murder all at the same time.  Yes Justin Happer the louse of all lice.  A parasite is among the unsuspecting investors of Wasby Towers and St. John is torn as to what to do.  Not to mention the fact that this is destroying my dream of getting to Daufuskie for the summer, and delaying my permanent relocation.

Today I repeat the week of after school mini-van taxi driver for all of the after school activities that are keeping my children out of trouble and preparing them for future college scholarships and sports teams.  Getting away from the house during this time of wishing a toxic intestinal virus on Justin Happer (whereby his life ends realizing that his shit does in fact stink), is in fact a good thing.  Again, I don’t know whether wishing death is a sin, but I do realize that it’s not a very nice thing and I don’t want Father Baptist to tell me to say a Hail Mary and move on.  I’m not in the mood for forgiveness.

I wonder, is there a story whereby one forgives a thief in the bible?  According to my reality, in government those that are thieves are punished.  If Justin Happer has committed a crime and it’s going to go unpunished, the least I can do is pray that God has him burn in Hell after he suffers from a bowel explosion in a very crowded room.

At the least I should file a credit bureau complaint against him.


My husband no longer says God Bless You when I sneeze.

When a home is no longer a home

I’m depressed. I feel like my entire existence by anyone over the age of 6 is about to be annihilate into the black hole of marriage and the relocation that is about to take place. I gave up my career for my marriage, and then again for my children. I started playing tennis again and finally got on the ridiculous team that isn’t a team but a hierarchy of house location. That accomplishment took me a year. Winning the club tennis tournament with a partner that stayed out of the politics came shortly there after. So that’s that. There is nothing left to accomplish here. It’s all living in the shadows of my children, and my half-present husband. I can’t stand it. There isn’t enough Xanax to numb me to the sadness of it all.

I’m not trying to accomplish the cover anymore. It’s all out of my hands. Every time I try to articulate my feelings to my mother, she gets angry at me, and turns it back to me about how much she worked so that I could have the life that I have now. Let’s face it, no one likes to work. The greatest joy in life is spending time with the ones you love doing absolutely nothing of importance, but not desiring to be doing anything else anywhere else. I see my mother so angry, and I say to myself, “I am never going to do that to my own”. I would never tell my children the emptiness of me, because if it were not for them, my life would be an abyss of nothing. It’s just the rest of me that is gone.

I try to articulate my feelings to my husband, who no longer says “God Bless You” when I sneeze. It’s a disconnect of continental proportions. He prays to his God to be present, whatever in the hell that means, but then when I try to communicate after putting the three kids to bed, Prince charming is nodding off into his long awaited slumber. Our only communication is about his dreams, his calendar, and coordination of the impending move.

John got an email the other day from Mr. V. Mr. V is the husband of Mignonne’s godmother, Mrs. V. He’s agnostic. Mr. V obviously had received a communication from John. that we were moving, and replied that although he was sad to see John go, he didn’t much care for me. Nice. Neighbor too. It just goes on and on. So I continue to just stay out of the way and pray to St. Joseph for us to start over away from this place.

I’m perpendicular to the world. I’m honest.

Besides receiving a poor behavior stick in class today, Jack received a gift in the mail from the Nanny Napper. It was a really great CD of music for children by a band from New Orleans. He wanted to call her to say thank you. I didn’t want to open up the flood gates so I dialed the phone for him. Min didn’t pick up, so I’m not sure if he left a message, but I’m sure she’ll see that there was a call from us. I guess the gift is her way of reaching out. I’ll have him write a thank you note. We didn’t get to it though. I have no stamps and the brilliant first grader had an hour of home work plus twenty minutes of reading to accomplish. Priorities. It’s such a scene with the three kids by myself and getting dinner on the table, and the homework done, and making sure the house is picked up for the showings scheduled the next day. I’ve cut back their bath schedules.

I need to figure out my marriage and what I am getting out of it. Right now, I feel that I am the governess and concubine. I’m numb to any emotion with my husband. I feel invisible.

I remember how we got started. I adored him and lived for him. He took 9 months to finally break up with his girlfriend and then it was another five months before we really were acknowledging that we were together. It wasn’t that he wasn’t sure about us. It was that he felt guilty about her because she was so good to him. Isn’t that me too? Surely, the man has to question whether it would just be better for him if he wasn’t held back by my deficiencies. I question it.

Christmas 2006: The Real Deal and The Story of the Nannynapping

Non-equity partnership for sale.  Just $65,000 a month. Cash.  You keep the Change.


Okay, so here is the thing. This letter never went out, and I’ll be honest – we were having some pretty rough times in our household. But, since you are on the inner circle, here it is…in all of its naked glory.

We should have seen it coming, they cut our budget for the Little Steeplechase Party, and John after having his best year at The Firm got a Golf Putter for his holiday bonus “thank you”. Then, they offer him a non-equity partnership if John agreed to pay them $65,000/month. Oh, we could keep the remainder of his fees (what?).

While he was stewing on that bit of bullshit, it was Good Friday when we got the call that the Firm was bringing back the Chumpp to be a partner, imagine “Opie Taylor” crossed with the kid from MADD magazine. They didn’t even talk to John about it; they actually announced it when John was out of Town. So, being the man of his word, and a man with a wife that easily says, “HELL NO!” John quit The Firm. It was very “Firm Like” and ridiculous. They actually SERVED us with some papers and then we had to spend the summer using a real lawyer to write letters to their collections attorney neighbor explaining that John wasn’t violating anything, that he wasn’t an indentured servant, and that his gig was up.


John jumped off the ship at The Firm right at the peak of the real estate boom, and just in time for the summer holiday. So, being clueless that we were that our neighborhood was not the protected enclave that we believed it was, we didn’t immediately sell the house and move (when we had multiple offers that were fantastic). No, instead, we put enough crap in the back of a rented U-Haul truck and decided to go to St. Simon’s Island for the summer instead. We insisted that we weren’t moving, that the Firm couldn’t scare us away, and that we’d be perfectly fine with John working in St. Simon’s for the next two years while I (under medication) stayed on the ship and raised the kids.

It was only two years right?

So the turning point goes something like this… Let’s go back to that fateful day in July 2006. I made arrangements for our nanny to join us in St. Simon’s for the month of July. I even get the nanny a health club membership too (never hire a fit nanny with an eating disorder) and we pre-pay her for the summer. Nanny works for a friend, (qualified as a maid of honor, Godmother, and someone related to the Katrina ordeal) on the side when the friend comes to town and stays at our house in Tampa to work for a doctor’s office.

Nanny and friend discuss some work during July. Nanny and friend make arrangements. Nanny fakes sick on St. Simons, plays homesick (the day after phone call with friend where friend slips that nanny is going back to Tampa to watch friend’s kids chez my house).

I come out of a yoga savasana (corpse pose) and realizes that I’m totally being screwed over. I confront Nanny, I fire Nanny.

I let friend know that my house wasn’t available for Nanny to work in, since she’s now been fired. No surprise, I never hear back from the friend (friend’s never apologize right?), and realize maybe friend wasn’t a friend after all.

At this point the depression of the entire drama of moving and having John not be around really sets in. I wasn’t going to be able to survive two months, let alone two years. John was traveling a bunch to Atlanta from St. Simons, and I was alone on the island with the three kids (we did have frequent company, but I had never really been that alone with the kids before and the reality of it all was sinking in.) It was then that I made the grown up suggestion that we just sell the house in Tampa, move to Atlanta, and make a go at the business succeeding…together.

We came back to Tampa in time for school to start and the real estate market to be officially tanked. It took forever for the house to sell (the entire school year). If we’re being totally honest, we were asking a little too much, but hindsight has x-ray vision. John drove back and forth to Atlanta and took shelter in my friend’s basement (thank the Lord). Business was slow (to be vague, but optimistic).

We prayed a lot and lived off of the line of credit we got the day John quit the Firm.

Finally, in the eyes of despair, and the stomach that feels constantly nauseous, we started to pray, light candles, and pull out all of the catholic voodoo tricks. Just to give some insight as to how scary it actually was, and how tight the money was, there was a day in January when we got a prospect over the internet. John got up at 4 in the morning in Tampa and drove all the way to Georgia (Reynold’s Plantation due west of Atlanta). He met with the prospect and then drove all the way home, finally getting back at midnight. It was just insane. I ended up buying him a Garmin for his birthday because I was worried about him driving in weird places with Mapquest directions in his hand. I guess it’s easy to talk about something like this when it’s all behind you, but damn, when we were going through it, and people would ask how it was going, I felt like such an ass saying, “oh, it’s great”. I was totally lying. John and I would look at each other with these glazed over agonizing eyes and just want to go puke on ourselves.

The clock was ticking, we weren’t doing Christmas (were relying on our parents to take care of the kids) and were going to pay the mortgage instead. We quit the country club, I stopped playing tennis (no one asked me to play) and the phone wasn’t ringing with social invitations. I just wanted to cry. Actually, I cried a lot.

I have decided to just give myself a pass on the first year of the Company and know that John and I have a much deeper relationship and love for each other because of it. He’s always been an awesome person. I’m a better person too.

I learned to deal with my children without medication (I ran out and couldn’t afford the psych visit), and used a lot of deep breathing techniques instead of hyperventilation and a plastic bag over my head. Sure, we adore our kids, but kids move away.

John and I maintain that we are best friends and we pick each other up, love each other unconditionally (my flaws and all), and have clearly articulated what is important to us both for the long run. We’re in this together until the end, that’s for sure.

One On One Attention

I shall drink my coffee and wait until he collects himself.  Is it too early to add Bailey’s?

Ashton enjoys the one on one attention he gets once Jack clears the building (Like right now, he’s spread eagle on the floor yelling at me

“I’m cross”

“I’m very mad”

“I’m stuck in the Mud”

“I want Baby Dog!”

“Get me some milk”

“I wanna watch Blues Clues, I mean Baby Mozart, I wanna watch Thomas”.

He just ran and hit the TV, grabbed his milk, and is now just moaning.

Anyone know child psychology? I think he’s having a moment. I shall drink my coffee and wait until he collects himself…I get to escape today to get my roots done and I can’t wait!

The moaning continues, the baby/moose upstairs is still sleeping, and I shall enjoy the last few sips before I deal with the Screaming monster I gave birth to just two years ago…is it too early to add Bailey’s?

Christmas 2005

My scream had a lot of explicative phrases not appropriate for a Christmas Letter.

So on or about April 28th, I was sharing with a friend on the telephone that I had this parenting thing under control (not really, but I was trying to sound convincing even with Jack home sick from school that day). Then, I heard the sound of rushing water. It was loud, and I’m partially deaf. I was sitting outside on the back porch.

Long story short, Jack was re-enacting the scene from Home Alone where the “water bandits” flood people’s homes by leaving the water running. He did this in my bathroom sink. Water pooled into my cabinets, then rushed all over the hardwood floors upstairs, and then found its way into the pocket doors and then came with all of the fury of a fire hose downstairs through all of my recessed lights in the ceiling. The sound I heard was 300 gallons of water plummeting onto my downstairs floors where it continued to reap havoc and destruction like only we know how to endure.

My scream had a lot of explicatives not appropriate for Christmas, but also left me speechless and numb. Jack knew he was in big trouble. Home Alone’s DVD went immediately in the trash and Jack hid under his covers. After the dry out, we spent the summer at the beach while the repairs were completed. We are not favorites of insurance companies.

This story still isn’t over though, seems there was still moisture in the walls when they replaced the floors, so warping continues, the movers will arrive mid-January, empty the house again, and we’ll be relocated for a week to Disney while floor repair continues….What doesn’t kill us makes for one hell of a hangover.….

Mignonne is 19 months old and is doing her best to keep up with Jack and Ashton. I have a feeling that she’s not going to be a ballerina, but that’s okay, neither was I. I happily encourage her becoming a track star, as John has dreams of her being a beach volleyball player. Currently, she’s no swimsuit model, but what do you expect when her father is 6’7” tall. Mignonne is becoming more beautiful every day and has a lot to say, even if I have no clue what it is. She likes eating markers, crayons, sand and dog food, which I am certain are all high in carbohydrate.

Ashton and Baby Dog enrolled at St. Paul’s pre-school (for 3 year olds). I personally think they would both prefer to be enrolled in Dog Obedience school, but that is only because Baby Dog remains his best friend and is now our fourth child and is right there with the American Express Card and Diapers on the not leaving home without it list. Ashton continues to bark when he gets in trouble. He’s my mischievous child. It’s hard not to laugh, and he knows it, so then he adds a growl for good measure. Diet wise, he’s existing on gushers, raisins, and Cheetoes. Our Doctor ensures me that he won’t die if he goes to bed hungry from not eating his dinner that I’ve cooked, but the guilt that I feel when Ashton does the “bad mommy”, oh, that heads me right for the wine, which I’ve developed quite a taste for the good stuff though my motherhood experience.

Jack graduated from the beige diet this summer and started Independent Day School’s Kindergarten Class in the fall and is in love with school and claims Emma Bernstein is his sweet baboo and blushes at the mere thought of her. He quizzes me daily for a quick response to math problems, and believes that I am the smartest person in the world because I can add, subtract, and count by any multiple requested. Jack has picked up reading, and coloring within the lines, although his report card stated that he was lacking in scissor usage. Oh, the deficiencies of a 5 year old with siblings that use school supplies as food or weapons. I hope one day Jack will forgive me if this is the cause for him not getting the full ride at Harvard, but with three little one’s five and under, it’s a major accomplishment to get them dressed and fed in the morning along with a coat, if needed.

Let’s be honest, my scissor skills are lacking too, but that’s because my own parents refused to let me near sharp objects.

Lille the dog continues to enjoy the benefits of scrap foods, and swiped peanut butter sandwiches, but her personal favorite continues to be Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Her hobbies include a daily “run off” only to be returned by a neighbor. She doesn’t come when I call her, so I’ve stopped, and graciously thank my neighbors for her return and God that we had her spayed. She’s the teenager of the family. We’ve tried the electric fence method, but after a short gone wrong in her collar, Lille was getting shocked in her cage while in the house (locked up with nowhere to run might I add) and ended of peeing all over the house from the mere stress of it all as my punishment for cruelty. Run Lille Run!

Every year I say, “John is still at The Firm”, and this year is no exception. He loves what he does, and it’s his home. His year has been very busy. We went to New York, Las Vegas, and North Carolina, all which were work-related much needed breaks from our brood. John has also had two hernia surgeries as well this year, probably from picking up our three kids at the same time. In between work and his endless list of honey-dos, he’s gotten time to play golf regularly.

As for me, I’ve gotten back into playing tennis after a 12 year hiatus and have a secret game of racing neighbors on the school drop off route. It’s a great way to spend the 5 minute drive, and the boys really cheer me on.

Mini-van vs. the Rolls-Royce is the favorite! My house arrest continues for the fifth year (Martha had it easy!), but hopefully by next Christmas, my freedom will have begun. The light at the end of the dark tunnel is getting brighter; Mignonne hopefully will enroll in pre-school for the fall for a few mornings a week…

The Hurricane Season spared Tampa this year, and we were fortunate enough to be able to help our family and friends affected by the storm from New Orleans. John’s sister, Nicole, remains living with us, and our best friends, The H’s and The C’s relocated to Florida so the unfortunate brought the fortune of good friends and family to us that we left in New Orleans.

Survival While Vacationing with A Rat

My nanny has gone MIA.  I’m a smart girl.  I know she quit.

Our vacations now, and for the next three years consist of including a big eared rat and his girlfriend. We’ve got our annual passes, and it’s the only place we can take the kids that doesn’t involve screaming. There is a new show out in the states, called “Desperate Housewives”. It’s the new Sex and the City, but this time the women are married. They will eventually get it to London I’m sure, and when you finally get to see it, I’m the chick with all the kids…Oi veh. My freaking nanny has gone MIA, and I know she isn’t in Asia, since she worked for me on New Year’s, but she’s gone missing, and she’s not returning my phone calls. I’m a smart girl, she quit. I have a hair appointment tomorrow, and unless my mother gets back from New Orleans and agrees to watch three of them, my roots are going to show until I can sucker someone else into watching them. Having beautiful hair is very expensive, especially when you have the pay someone $50 just so you can get your hair dyed.

So, we’re gearing up to send Jack to Kindergarten next fall, we’ve decided against sending him to “public” school (free), and so now are going to send him to a private school (where Willy Wonka meets education) and it’s going to be a mere 8K! For Kindergarten!!!!! Fuck, So, I guess the nanny quitting covers this ridiculous expense and I can keep the maid. I want to fire her too, but her son has all of these medical issues. It would shatter her, so she comes every week, even though I’m neurotic and my house is already clean and sanitized by the time she gets here. I think she just moves things around on my dresser, she’s upstairs for 4 hours, and I swear my house looks like a model home by the time she enters the building.

Laundry is another story, it’s coming out my eyeballs, but she doesn’t do the laundry because she ruins things (I prefer to ruin my things myself), so there you go. I don’t know what she’s doing…

There is a light at the end of my tunnel this month, and I’m in a more optimistic mood. Mignonne is nearly 11 months old and I’m getting it under control now.

I fired the maid, and gave the nanny more hours! It’s quite an accomplishment, especially with the three kids out of my hair and playing outside I can get a lot done around the house.

We’ve had quite a busy first part of 2005, Jack is having playdates with friends that I don’t have to chaperone, Ashton is self sufficient in the bathroom, and Mignonne knows how to crawl, although due to her size, she’s more like a seal in her movements.

We’ve been to DISNEY A LOT! My annual passes guarantee that we have a day where EVERYONE is happy. It’s an hour and fifteen minutes door to door, so going for a weekend isn’t out of the question. Jack and Ashton both recite the play by play of what rides we’ll go on and parks we’ll visit in order, and then it’s mandatory that we stick to the schedule. We’ve discovered that they serve BEER at MGM, so R and I immediately head to the beer stand and then gladly sit in a playground area while the boys knock their socks off. It sounds stressful, but with three kids 4 and under, it turns out to be an enjoyable day/weekend. We’ve been going once a month over the weekend.We’re having excellent weather, so the kids spend the better part of the day playing in the yard, or on the driveway riding their bikes. Mignonne keeps right up with them, and is probably going to be a great social butterfly by the time this phase is over.

Jack has taken a keen interest in Tennis (thank goodness), and I’ve bought both of the boys racquets and we practice in the driveway. I feed them balls and they swing! We’ve hit the dog, the car, the house, and “almost” cars going by…I have great hopes and thanks that the soccer career is OVER. Once we have basic form, we’ll progress to the courts, but for now, it’s manageable, and I don’t want to produce “burnout”.

That’s it for Suburban Martyr’s update. The minivan is leaking oil, and I swear I will never buy another Chrysler again. I’m counting the months until I can donate the bugger to the Salvation Army! It’s a 3 year old WORTHLESS hunk of crap with 24K miles. I’m hoping once it’s paid off we can bring it to one of those places that GUARANTEES 6K in your trade, no matter the condition. Maybe someone will steal it, but we don’t live in that type of neighborhood.

Tantric Sex with Sting

It’s 9:34 and John is WAY to tired to keep his eyes open…

In real coherent life, I fear my children walking in on me having an orgasm.

“Mommy, are you there?”


“I had a bad dream”

“Oh honey….”

“Can I come sleep with you”

“I’m C.O.M.I.N.G….”

Enjoyment of sex just doesn’t work when my one good ear is listening for a four year old visitor to arrive at the foot of the bed. Having John just start the evening bedtime routine with making our couch in our room for the arrival of nighttime visitors, really puts a damper on the “when I get that feeling” type of mood. John can pretty much forget it. Clap his hands and turn me off.

One thing for me that is a complete “you’ve got to be kidding me” is the unusual treat when I am finally done with my daily activities and I am sprawled out on the sofa enjoying watching a show on television. The kids are finally quiet and assured to be in deep sleep. By 9:34 John is announcing that he’s WAY too tired to keep his eyes open, and just can’t hang on any longer so he’s going to go on up and go to bed, and can I let out the dog? So I lay there knowing what is to come, it ALWAYS does. Frustrated with the farce that is John’s exhaustion, I remain watching my program. On time, and really reliable, at my 10:00 bedtime, I let out Lille, go back inside to do one last straighten up a bit downstairs, and go back outside to call the damn dog that is now half-way up the street before heading to bed myself. I’m certain my neighbors use my calling as their own bedtime alarm, but I’m too embarrassed to care.

The lights are off upstairs and it’s completely dark in our bedroom, phew. I go into the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and then blindly guide myself to my side of the bed, slip off my ballet slippers and tuck myself into the covers. BOOM…showtime. “What? Are you freaking kidding me?” Then my favorite line of all time, “it will help me sleep.” Hey, here’s one for you, John How about staying up an extra hour?

What happened to my sex kitten within? Since becoming a mother, I had stopped seeing myself as a sexual being. That’s probably because I typically had someone feeding off of me about 6 hours a day. Or, could it be that I see myself wiping ass and genitialia all day long, the last thing I want to see is my husband’s. Dr. Phil would say there was something deeper, but the truth is…I am lost.

Who was I? I remember how I was in my 20s. Since turning thirty and having three children, I can no longer keep track of how old I am. The only things that I had to let me know that several years have passed were the crows feet multiplying around my eyes and the triple set of stretch marks achieved with each child at key locations around my ass and mid-section. Gravity pulled the fat from my boobs to my stomach and regardless of the amount of starvation that I put my body through, skin and scar tissue had just taken up residence around my c-section scar and built a golf course community. Besides a tummy tuck and major skin grafting, there doesn’t appear to be much hope with ever getting it back to a Playboy potential.

Sex on, Lights off.

Beating Down vs. Putting Out

Lille peed on the floor and took a dump in the corner for spite.

It’s not that I didn’t once enjoy sex. In fact, back in the day b.k. (before kids) , if my memory serves me correctly, I looked forward to it. If I remove the numbness that is my libido, I remember that I couldn’t get home from work or a trip fast enough to land safely in the arms of my husband. Now, I was so tired, it was the last thing on my mind. It’s not that I don’t find my husband attractive, it’s just that with the three kids and six ears listening for any peep out of me, I feel repressed. I felt as if my entire sex drive left my soul as my placenta was being delivered.

I used to have sexy lingerie that I actually would wear to bed. Now, it was the men’s pajama bottoms and a tank top with a shelf bra built in. I woke up each morning wet from my boobs leaking desperately trying to grab another shirt to cover myself before my daughter woke up. Each morning, I smelled of a sippy cup fermenting in the back of the minivan well hidden under a seat and a map of the zoo. How could I not offend my husband? It was a wet t-shirt contest every morning, but I was always a loser. The boobs were no longer impressive and they always hurt like hell.

I would slowly brush my teeth and splash some water on my face, wiping off whatever leakage may have seeped onto my pillow and then onto my face over the course of my night. Holding the railing for strength and comfort, my sons ecstatically greet me as I descend the staircase, “Good MORNING mommy, did you well sleep dreams?”. I think what they are trying to say is “Did you sleep well with sweet dreams?”, but it doesn’t come out that way.

Lille peed on the floor and took a dump in the corner for spite, I put on a happy face before I look for my cup of coffee and say in my Stepford wife voice that I have perfected to my own self admiration, “Oh yes, Mommy slept really well and I had wonderful dreams.” When in fact, my husband woke me by hitting my feet with a morning “swat” of “Get up” and I feel a twinge of pain from the superficial wound he gave me from one of his ultra-long toenails swiping my shin at some point during the slumber. What John doesn’t care to know is that I had been laying there for the past ten minutes trying to have the courage to get out of bed on my own and take a shower, brush my teeth, and reveal myself to the world on my own. I never have the strength. It would make it easier, that is, bathing before he abandons me for the day, but I love the comfort of my bed and the security of my world that is hidden under my pillow and in my splendiferous evening love affair with “don’t lose my faith in you”, Sting. Only with my eyes shut is motherhood and sex a wonderful thing.


What Qualifies as a Bad Week Part Two

I’m going to cash in my miles, sit next to you on the next flight to Mumbai.

They CALLED!!!! The boys must have had a management meeting. Speakerphone. 10:41 a.m. Tuesday, May 10, 2005. Victory Suburban Martyr. I think I may have earned some miles due to distress too.

Here’s How it started:…..

Original Message Follows:



Name : Ms Surburban Martyr

Email Address : Protected

SkyMiles Number: Very Important


Email about Past/Future travel: Not Travel Related

Nature of Comment: Complaint Concern

Email Pertaining to: SkyMiles

Email about Other topic:


I’m absolutely in tears. I was a committed Delta Airlines flyer for my

ENTIRE CAREER, when I last flew in 2001 and made the decision to stay at home in Tampa with my children. I stopped flying weekly and stopped

WORKING, had three babies (2000, 2002, and 2004). Finally, my youngest

is old enough to stay with Grandma, and I can get away with my husband,

finally using my hard earned SKYMILES.

I went online today to book my ticket using my SKYMILES and 165,000 of my HARD EARNED MILES of cross country travel, red-eye travel, and connections throughout the US were GONE! In January of 2005, Delta removed these from my account. It’s not the poopy diapers, the career aspirations, or the accomplishments of my potty training that kept me looking forward to tomorrow all of these FOUR YEARS of house arrest/motherhood. It was that trip to Europe this summer, that week in Vegas with my husband next week, the trip to Boston this fall with my

mother that I looked forward to. It was going to be because I was a committed Delta flyer MY ENTIRE 7 YEAR career! Now, it’s gone. I didn’t receive a statement, a notice, a letter. Nothing to tell me that this was happening. I can’t believe it. I’m absolutely shattered.

I’ve made so many sacrifices as a mother, I guess this is a slap in the face of motherhood, compliments of Delta. I’m in tears.

Would you like a reply to your e-mail? : yes

—–Original Message—–

From: Customer Care []

Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:29 PM

To: Suburban Martyr

Subject: Re: SkyMiles – Not Travel Related (KMM8723361V77997L0KM)

Dear Suburban Martyr,

Thank you for contacting us through the Delta Web site. We apologize for the delay in responding to your message.

We are sorry to learn that you have not had the opportunity to use your SkyMiles account or take advantage of one of our many partner offers. As stated in the SkyMiles Membership Guide, all SkyMiles are subject to an expiration date. SkyMiles will not expire as long as there is participation in one of the following activities at least once every three years:

. Travel on a qualifying Delta, Delta Connection, Song or Delta Shuttle flight . Participate in the SkyMiles program with one of the SkyMiles program partners . Redeem your miles for a SkyMiles Award

. Receiving miles from the new Mileage Transfer Program currently being offered for a limited time – Please visit our Web site at for details

Please note the following types of account activity do not extend the SkyMiles expiration date:

. Mileage redeposit

. Posting of bonus miles alone

. Mileage transfer to a designated beneficiary due to death or incapacitation

Your account reflects no qualifying partner activity was posted within the 36 months prior to your expiration date. If you feel this information is in error, please resubmit copies of supporting documentation (tickets, receipts, etc.) for review. As a reminder, mileage discrepancies need to be submitted within six months of travel. For your convenience, you may return the documentation via fax at 404-773-1945 or mail to:

Delta SkyMiles Service Center

P.O. Box 20532

Atlanta, GA 30320-2532

We value the relationship you have with Delta Air Lines and would be delighted to have another chance to restore your trust and confidence in our service.


Sky Miles Employee

Online Customer Support Desk

So, I was fired up….

Original Message Follows:


You’re kidding right? Trust and confidence in your service? Try 8 years of full time flying on your airline. I’ve had THREE CHILDREN, within 2000-2004. Travelling has been out of the question. Now, however, I’m able to get away, to use my 8 years of accrued miles. You could hardly think that I would abandon them? I’ve been pregnant for 30 months, breastfeeding for 36, and wiping my children’s butts for 24 months. That, I would abandon.

Please, I’m begging you. I was a loyal Delta flyer. I went out of my

way to fly on Delta. I paid more than I should have to fly on Delta. Give me 12 months to use my miles, and I’ll use 100% of them.

I never received a statement, a notice, a warning that I was going to lose my miles. Had I known, I would have given them as presents to family that hasn’t been able to afford to come to visit their grandchildren. Instead, I selfishly dreamed of using them to get away with my husband! To get away to sleep in a bed without some kicking kid next to me peeing in a diaper!

I can’t believe it. I’m shocked and awed.

Suburban Martyr

Dear Suburban Martyr,

Thank you for your reply.

We were sorry to hear that you were disappointed with our e-mail. Please let me assure you that the goodwill of our customers is very important to us. We try to be responsive to all passenger inquiries and offer all SkyMiles members the same opportunities. It is our goal to offer the finest service available while maintaining the integrity of our program.

Travel statements are sent reflecting travel activity for the previous month’s reporting period, approximately two weeks after each month’s end. A statement will not be sent if there was no activity in an account during that time period. The last statements which would have been sent to you in 2001 indicated an expiration date of December 31, 2004 for your SkyMiles balance. The expiration date is also listed online when viewing your account activity for the previous six months.

Additionally, there are opportunities other than travel to accrue or redeem SkyMiles in order to prevent expiration of your SkyMiles.

In fairness to all our customers, we must respectfully decline your request. We value your business and hope you will understand our position.

We appreciate your interest in Delta Air Lines.


Another Powerless Employee

Online Customer Support Desk

So, I wasn’t done….

Dear Powerless Employee,

Integrity of your program? 168,000 miles of loyalty and 4 years of motherhood. I’m supposed to know that 168,000 miles are going to expire by Checking online? Yeah, sure, I sit and watch my airline miles like I watch Elmo. I have my Delta account on “favorites” and monitor it. Not. Give me a break. Your policy is crooked and your frequent flier program is a farce. Opportunities to accrue miles? Sure, I’ll transfer my 400K American Express Miles that I’ve also accrued over my life right to Delta…I’ll get right on that. I have never used those miles, and they are still there, year after year.

No, that’s it. You’ve lost me as a customer. I’ll be earning miles on my American Express based on buying tickets on other airlines from now on. I’ll earn frequent flier miles elsewhere, thank you very much. I will never fly on Delta again, in fairness to all of the other female customers and mothers you’ve obviously lost for the same reason. They didn’t die! They didn’t abandon hundreds of millions of miles! What man with over 165,000 miles in his Delta account takes a “four year” hiatus on traveling without DEATH? I’m sure if you look at the sex features of your top frequent fliers, they will share a key body feature. It was my experience when I was a 100+/segment a year flier (platinum) on your airline THAT I WAS THE ONLY WOMAN FLYING IN FIRST CLASS. Unfortunately women bear the brunt of raising your future frequent fliers and your frequent flier program caters and benefits the male population. My children won’t fly on your airline, my parents won’t fly on your airline. My husband won’t fly on your airline.

In my research, I have discovered that Delta is in distress. I am sure your revenues are down partly because your “expired miles” Mothers are flying on other airlines with their kids. This mother will be buying 5 tickets somewhere else. Funny how losing a smart mom as a customer can reflect multiples on your bottom line in the future…Southwest flies to Disney too. Profitable airline…hmmmmm….

Good luck, I’ll be donating the rest of my miles to Charity.

Suburban Martyr

So, then I wrote the CEO, COO, CTO, CMO, CFO, …..

—–Original Message—–

From: Suburban Martry

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 2:59 PM

To: ‘’‘’‘’‘’

Subject: Losing Customers to Other Airlines

Dear Gentlemen,

I hope this email gets to you. I’ve read all of your bios, and I know that you are all highly educated men. You’ll have to read past my humor at being a now stay at home mom who once was a top frequent flier on your airline, perhaps you have wives at home, and perhaps you should bring this email to them to read, and ask their opinion about my complaint. I’m sure your wives also gave up their own ambition for the sake of your career or your lovely offspring. Perhaps some of you have Grandchildren and daughters that are living my life of bliss and “Groundhog Day”.

I know you all value your positions and the role that you play at Delta, and your desire for the airline to continue to survive.

As for me, last I checked, I am a 34 year old mother of 3, a Sweet Briar College and St. Andrews University graduate with a major in Economics. My resume would reflect an executive level management consulting career with both Arthur Andersen, Deloitte and Touche, and IMRglobal. My clients were large and small, from directing multi-million dollar engagements with John Hancock Insurance in Boston and Blockbuster in Dallas, and San Francisco, to Frederick’s of Hollywood in Los Angeles. My expertise was in operations improvement, revenue enhancement, and finally in Web operations and development/integration.

I lived on Delta throughout my career, until I was too pregnant to fly and was grounded, along with my 195,000 frequent flier miles. My husband helps companies raise capital and refinance debt and does a lot of travel. I stopped working, stopped traveling, and kept getting pregnant and now have 3 children. 4, 3, and 11 months old.

I am also the daughter of a retired TWA international pilot, who flew his last American Airlines flight during the Sept. 11, 2001 nightmare. My father was the board representative for the pilots union and we have had many opposing debates regarding running an airline and being part of a Union. Some kids would fly on their father’s company, but I chose to fly on Delta. I knew the problems going on with TWA and didn’t was to risk building up loyalty in an airline that was being broken apart by corporate raiders and thieves. I knew that one day I was going to want to cash in my miles, and TWA wasn’t going to be there. So in 1993, when I graduated from college, I signed up to be a Delta Frequent flier.

To synopsize my complaint. I had 168,000 frequent flier miles, and have not flown since 2001. Last week, I went to check my miles and see if I could redeem them to purchase a one way ticket from Las Vegas to Tampa as I was flying out on a private jet with my husband and finally had a willing party to watch my children for three days. I had to return early to attend my 4 year old’s Mother’s Day program at his preschool and needed to fly commercial to get home in time. When I looked online, my miles had been EXPIRED on January 12, 2005. I never received notice that this was happening, or was going to happen. Your policy is now to expire the miles after inactivity on the account, but this is done without warning, or an annual statement of the account to inform the flyer that this is going to happen. If I had cashed in my miles, I would have had 1 year to use the ticket/coupon. My last statement was received in 2001, when I was flying.

You’ve lost me now as a customer, based on your policy of “fairness to the other passengers” that you have done this too as well. I donated what you didn’t expire (2100 miles…and I don’t know why) to Make a Wish foundation so that some mother can take her child to Disney and I’ll drive there.

When you sit around your weekly meeting or this Sunday with the women in your lives, please think about how much your wife, mother and daughters have given up so that you can be where you are sitting today, and how Delta’s frequent flyer program penalizes women.

Think about how Delta could market towards women traveling in multiples and continue to cater to them once they have been loyal. Maybe I will fly on Delta, I’ll transfer enough AMEX miles to fly non-stop cross country and then on to Mumbai and sit in First Class with my three kids and some of your loyal frequent traveling boys, drinking their wine, reading the paper, and flirting with the stewardesses, while their wives are at home with their kids…

When is YOUR next LONG trip on Delta? Maybe we can meet…

Yeah, you’ve got a tough job…

Very truly yours,

Suburban Martyr

Ff #The Number

So today, at precisely 10:41, I get a call from DELTA AIRLINES. THEY ARE ON SPEAKERPHONE. Miles reinstated.

Got the first quote back from the floor company yesterday. $9549….Yeah, we’ll be cancelled.

Today, is a much better day. I’ve now got 200,000 Miles in my account and places to go!!!! To Hell with the Floors.